For the first time BSides Orlando will run a Hands On Hall sponsored by Black Hills Information Security. This will include live demos where attendees have the opportunity to “get their hands dirty” with short labs.
Black Hills Information Security is excited to bring some of the popular Wild West Hacking labs to BSides Orlando 2018. What? You haven’t heard about the WWHF labs? Well then are you in for a treat! The labs are totally hands on, with detailed instructions and a BHIS researcher to help if you get stuck . You will have the opportunity to do the following:
Interact with a Jatagulator to perform reconnaissance on a device or communicate with their embedded chips.
Use a Bus Pirate to dump the firmware and obtain gold from a wireless router chip.
Play with Software Defined Radio (SDR) and perform replay attacks against common technologies.
If you have not heard of the words: Jatagulator, Bus Pirate or SDR then you must join BHIS in their playground. Hope to see you there!
Learn more about Black Hills Information Security here: https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/
Check out Wild West Hackin’ Fest: https://www.wildwesthackinfest.com/