CyberSecJobs is another first time sponsor of B-Sides Orlando! They are a Platinum Sponsor and the sponsor of our Career Track. Learn more about our Career Track here: https://bsidesorlando.org/2018/career-track
CyberSecJobs.com is a veteran-owned career site and job fair company for professionals and students seeking careers in the cyber security community.
To learn more about CyberSecJobs.com read below or check out their link: https://cybersecjobs.com
About CybersecJobs.com
CyberSecJobs.com is a veteran-owned career site and job fair company for professionals and students seeking careers in the cyber security community.
We set ourselves apart by providing outstanding customer service to our two customer groups – job seekers and employers – by providing online services and offline events tailored to the unique needs of the cyber security community.
Job Seekers
For more information on the tools and resources available for Job Seekers to use in their job search visit our Job Seekers section.
For details on the services we provide to help Employers meet their recruiting needs visit our Employers section.
CyberSecJobs.com in the Community
To stay abreast of critical issues as well as to support the cyber security community, CyberSecJobs.com is an active participant in many industry and community programs. We participate by managing hiring events, providing resume reviews, or offering other career services at events including:
BSides Augusta
BSides Northern Virginia
BSides Orlando
BSides Salt Lake City
BSides San Diego
BSides Tampa
Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS)