We are proud to announce Hak5 as an official sponsor of B-Sides Orlando! Hak5 is one of the most recognizable leaders creating red teaming hardware for professionals and the security curious. From the WiFi Pineapple to the new Packet Squirrel, Hak5 creates great hardware for security engagements.
As part of their sponsorship they’ve provided us with some of their gear: A WiFi Pineapple Nano, Lan Turtle, Packet Squirrel, Bash Bunny, and two Rubber Ducks!
We have big plans for these items. The gear will be part of our Hands on Hall with hands on labs for B-Sides Orlando attendees. The Hak5 gear will also be part of our silent auction. Attendees can get exposed to Hak5 hardware and bid on the hardware used in the Hands on Hall!
Please check out https://www.hak5.org/, their many podcasts, and buy their gear at https://hakshop.com/